Hey guys, sorry it has been such a long time and wow so much has happened.
I guess the most memorable time since my last blog would be the Territorial Prayer Weekend in Swanwick, It was such a blessed weekend and I'm sure it's impact will affect me for years to come. It's main focus on prophecy and it was great to look into it not just about the prophets in the Bible, who I will now see in a completely different way, but also the modern day prophets. Those who are speaking out and proud, not necessarily saying what people want to hear but definitely saying what message God wants to pass along. I would urge those prophets out there who maybe have been hurt by things people have said in response to keep going strong. It was great to catch up with people who I hadn't seen in a while and also meet great new people.
I also took one of the Spiritual Gifts questionnaires. It obviously isn't set but it was it was interesting to see what the results would be. My top 3 were Helps, Service and Mercy. I guess I kind of get that so it was encouraging to read. I also got Teaching which I didn't see in myself but people around did so it was encouraging to chat about and as a modest person it was a great to feel wanted. I also got Pastor which I guess I can see. It was really encouraging that during our assessment Cliff said that he sees a sense of spiritual leadership in me, however that comes out, whatever I do when I am older, he believes that I have the potential for spiritual leadership which is encouraging and something I can work towards.
On the Sunday we rounded it off with a time of meeting ad worshiping. Such a great end to a great weekend. To finish with we got a tunnel of people either side, like at a wedding, each in turn went through this tunnel and received prayers and blessings. It was one of the, if not the most powerful, experiences of my life. It was such an empowering experience where I gained strength and courage. God was there and walking alongside me and it was absolutely amazing. Truly a place where Heaven touched Earth.
I know that God will provide me with all I need. I will definitely be tested on the way but I know that through God's help I will make it through stronger than ever. I came home from the weekend with such a buzz and I was so excited to be getting back to Bedford and starting work. The future is full of possibilities and as of now I am so excited.
Chris Hull's Essential Year
Essential Logo Red
Friday 31 January 2014
Monday 13 January 2014
I'm back
Well here we are in a new year. Sorry that I haven't been blogging as much but it's been an insane couple of months. Christmas was great and as all ways I was in the Christmas spirit from about halfway through October. Had a really good time at home for a couple of weeks over Christmas and it was great meeting up with family and friends over the Christmas break and also just being able to lie in. Although by the end my sleeping pattern was so bad that I was tired most of the time.
But it's good to be back in Bedford and working hard as all ways.I have come back and am now on Children and Youth work which so far has been great. My new line manager, Hayley, has been really nice to me but also trusting me with things that I can do and make a difference. It's good to feel that there would be a difference if I wasn't here. So everything is going really well. I have to admit that over Christmas I let some things slide that I shouldn't have. Not just all the food I was eating but things such as regularly reading my Bible but I am going to try and get on top of it in the new year. This last week I have been blessed. Last year for a few months, almost 3 times a week the song Turn You Eyes Upon Jesus would come to mind, the chorus in particular:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,In the light of His glory and grace.
This last week I have found myself picturing, both physically and mentally, images of Jesus whether that was an emotion or a bright light etc. and I have found that this song has it so right. All the troubles and the hustle and bustle became unimportant and I could enjoy a relaxing, personal time with Jesus and give all my worries to him.
This was so important and it gave me the courage to send of the emails that asked all the questions surrounding my next year and beyond. Depending on the answers is what I will plan it around but I would ask for prayer that I constantly listen for what God wants me to be doing and respond to it positively and do all I can for Him so people will see Jesus through what I do.
I am really getting back into the swing of things here and everything is going so well. Had a great lunch yesterday and someone's house where we talked and it wasn't difficult. It was the sort of conversation where there were no uncomfortable silences. It was great and they were lovely people. They also surprised me with a Birthday cake for tomorrow even though I hadn't told them. There are some such wonderful people in Bedford and it's good that, by having conversations with other people, I realised that many people's first contact with Bedford was a very similar experience.
So your all caught up now and I'm heading in for a busy week and am looking forward to ways I am going to be blessed and the ways that I am going to bless others.
That's all for now, speak to you soon.
But it's good to be back in Bedford and working hard as all ways.I have come back and am now on Children and Youth work which so far has been great. My new line manager, Hayley, has been really nice to me but also trusting me with things that I can do and make a difference. It's good to feel that there would be a difference if I wasn't here. So everything is going really well. I have to admit that over Christmas I let some things slide that I shouldn't have. Not just all the food I was eating but things such as regularly reading my Bible but I am going to try and get on top of it in the new year. This last week I have been blessed. Last year for a few months, almost 3 times a week the song Turn You Eyes Upon Jesus would come to mind, the chorus in particular:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,In the light of His glory and grace.
This last week I have found myself picturing, both physically and mentally, images of Jesus whether that was an emotion or a bright light etc. and I have found that this song has it so right. All the troubles and the hustle and bustle became unimportant and I could enjoy a relaxing, personal time with Jesus and give all my worries to him.
This was so important and it gave me the courage to send of the emails that asked all the questions surrounding my next year and beyond. Depending on the answers is what I will plan it around but I would ask for prayer that I constantly listen for what God wants me to be doing and respond to it positively and do all I can for Him so people will see Jesus through what I do.
I am really getting back into the swing of things here and everything is going so well. Had a great lunch yesterday and someone's house where we talked and it wasn't difficult. It was the sort of conversation where there were no uncomfortable silences. It was great and they were lovely people. They also surprised me with a Birthday cake for tomorrow even though I hadn't told them. There are some such wonderful people in Bedford and it's good that, by having conversations with other people, I realised that many people's first contact with Bedford was a very similar experience.
So your all caught up now and I'm heading in for a busy week and am looking forward to ways I am going to be blessed and the ways that I am going to bless others.
That's all for now, speak to you soon.
Friday 22 November 2013
Last week before training again
Wow what a week. Been doing all sorts from kids clubs to leading home league. It has been a week full of challenges but also a more of a calmer week. I was also put in charge of the DAS (just office stuff) and it really encouraged me. Just the small act of someone trusting me with all that confidential info really boosted my self esteem by people showing their confidence in me and my abilities. So all in all a good week.
God has been at work all around me this week as well. There has definitely been an influence in me and around me and a supply of strength in answer to my prayers that I have done mostly on the go. I also had a good time at LTG ( sort of an accountability group) where we had healthy discussion and helped each other to, in our own way, change our way of lives. I just hope that I am able to keep up to it and I am sure the group will help me as I hope I can help them.
Had a great challenge of leading Home League this week. Planned and lead it. It went okay and people seemed happy about it but I definitely need practice on how long things take. Luckily I managed to wing some time and a bit of extra time especially when they asked me to sing them something from the song book.
Next week should be a brilliant week. All of the Essential1s are meeting up for another weeks training. It should be great to get out to make sure this doesn't become the norm and also to catch up with everyone else. And then only 3 weeks till I'm home for Christmas. Better quickly get shopping.
God has been at work all around me this week as well. There has definitely been an influence in me and around me and a supply of strength in answer to my prayers that I have done mostly on the go. I also had a good time at LTG ( sort of an accountability group) where we had healthy discussion and helped each other to, in our own way, change our way of lives. I just hope that I am able to keep up to it and I am sure the group will help me as I hope I can help them.
Had a great challenge of leading Home League this week. Planned and lead it. It went okay and people seemed happy about it but I definitely need practice on how long things take. Luckily I managed to wing some time and a bit of extra time especially when they asked me to sing them something from the song book.
Next week should be a brilliant week. All of the Essential1s are meeting up for another weeks training. It should be great to get out to make sure this doesn't become the norm and also to catch up with everyone else. And then only 3 weeks till I'm home for Christmas. Better quickly get shopping.
Wednesday 30 October 2013
Busiest weeks ever
Wow, what an amazing couple of weeks. Sorry I wasn't able to blog last week but I just struggled to find the time. The time I had off I really needed to just rest and think of nothing. It started with the normal full on week that I have with a few extra things in such as YP band which I am going to be helping out at. Good fun but it's definitely no Chelmsford YP Band. The week ended in a great Reunion weekend for their 125th anniversary. I wasn't sure how I was going to take it not knowing Bedford very well but it was ok. A few things came to mind that I may have done differently but over all a great weekend and I hope that people went away from it with a sense that even though they aren't here anymore God still is and doing loads of work. This week has been even more full on with Holiday Club which is everyday where kids come in and we have some fun and have been looking at the story of Moses. Definitely been blessed to think about this story for 3 days now and see how God had worked through Moses, a person who had a real problem with public speaking, and helped him go and confront the King and tell him to "Let my people go!" I think it definitely goes to show that if we need a set of skills that we don't yet have God will provide them for us. The week has been great fun but really tiring, especially the full days.
I also planned and led cell group this week which was a new thing for me and I prayed a lot about it and a lot of thought went into what I was going to do. I think it went ok but everyone was a bit tired so it was difficult to get discussions going but once it did it was all fine.
I have still been using the Bible App for the read the bible in a year plan. It's going well and I am making sure I do that everyday. Some days I am just tired and think that I gained nothing from it but it's when I start to think about it I realise actually this is an amazing discipline that I am attempting to do and if I do it properly I can gain so much from it. So it's definitely worth having a go and persevering through the rough days.
Next week should be amazing. Bedford are doing a 24/7 prayer week which at first, I must admit, I wasn't sure I would enjoy but now I am so excited about what God is going to say to me. Unfortunately we are pulling a few of the night shifts but I am sure our timetables will be adjusted accordingly. Also Thursday is going to be my first day in the Debt Advice Service (DAS). I have never really looked at it before and it seems like a great way to serve the community. Definitely look to get some experience and training in the idea of debt advice which I am sure will help me in many years to come. God has definitely put me in Bedford for a reason.
I am also looking forward to a long weekend home. Getting home on the Friday though to the Monday. Should be great to see Matt getting confirmed and I am sure he will work as hard as he can in St. Stevens to do as much for God as he can and it will be great to be able to share in that experience with him as well as seeing everyone else while I am home and a good Remembrance Sunday parade.
Wow what an amazing time but I am tired so a bit of journalling about the day, a bit of reading and daily devotionals and then off to bed before holiday club tomorrow. Night.
I also planned and led cell group this week which was a new thing for me and I prayed a lot about it and a lot of thought went into what I was going to do. I think it went ok but everyone was a bit tired so it was difficult to get discussions going but once it did it was all fine.
I have still been using the Bible App for the read the bible in a year plan. It's going well and I am making sure I do that everyday. Some days I am just tired and think that I gained nothing from it but it's when I start to think about it I realise actually this is an amazing discipline that I am attempting to do and if I do it properly I can gain so much from it. So it's definitely worth having a go and persevering through the rough days.
Next week should be amazing. Bedford are doing a 24/7 prayer week which at first, I must admit, I wasn't sure I would enjoy but now I am so excited about what God is going to say to me. Unfortunately we are pulling a few of the night shifts but I am sure our timetables will be adjusted accordingly. Also Thursday is going to be my first day in the Debt Advice Service (DAS). I have never really looked at it before and it seems like a great way to serve the community. Definitely look to get some experience and training in the idea of debt advice which I am sure will help me in many years to come. God has definitely put me in Bedford for a reason.
I am also looking forward to a long weekend home. Getting home on the Friday though to the Monday. Should be great to see Matt getting confirmed and I am sure he will work as hard as he can in St. Stevens to do as much for God as he can and it will be great to be able to share in that experience with him as well as seeing everyone else while I am home and a good Remembrance Sunday parade.
Wow what an amazing time but I am tired so a bit of journalling about the day, a bit of reading and daily devotionals and then off to bed before holiday club tomorrow. Night.
Wednesday 16 October 2013
Busy Week
Wow what an amazing week it has been at Bedford and a very fulfilling week. This time last week I was just going about the norm when on the Thursday we were made aware that we would be doing an anti-trafficing run where we picked up some guys in the mini-bus and took them to a safe house. What an absolutely amazing experience that those guys lives have been changed so much and they were so grateful for what had been happening to them in the past few days from the being saved to being well looked after although it was a late night getting in at 2 am.
Also when we went in on Friday for mother and toddlers we were shown great compassion by people of Bedford Corps who saw how tired we were and sent us home for some rest. Although it was short lived with another early morning getting up at 6:00 am on Saturday to get to coffee morning and 4:30 on Sunday to help set up an amazing youth councils event. Great worship from the cadet band of the training college and great teaching from DYO Nathan Loxley. Was truly blessed and felt the presence of God amongst the young people of this Division.
The rest of the week has been loads of new things including Tuesday where my project was to cook for the Luncheon club so a 3 course meal for about 50 people was definitely a challenge and I had such a fun time doing it. No one complained and no one has been ill that I know of so I am counting it as a win. Just counting down to Friday so I can finally have a lie in on my day off but I can't wait for the rest of the year.
Also really looking forward to getting involved in the Debt Advice Service (DAS) and once the head advisor is back I will start getting training and learning how it all works. Can't wait to experience this new side to social care that I have never experienced before.
Overall, definitely hard work and definitely worth it. Absolutely loving it and all the people here. Someone has even pinned up the sleeves of my tunic to take it up for Saturday. What wonderful people.
Also when we went in on Friday for mother and toddlers we were shown great compassion by people of Bedford Corps who saw how tired we were and sent us home for some rest. Although it was short lived with another early morning getting up at 6:00 am on Saturday to get to coffee morning and 4:30 on Sunday to help set up an amazing youth councils event. Great worship from the cadet band of the training college and great teaching from DYO Nathan Loxley. Was truly blessed and felt the presence of God amongst the young people of this Division.
The rest of the week has been loads of new things including Tuesday where my project was to cook for the Luncheon club so a 3 course meal for about 50 people was definitely a challenge and I had such a fun time doing it. No one complained and no one has been ill that I know of so I am counting it as a win. Just counting down to Friday so I can finally have a lie in on my day off but I can't wait for the rest of the year.
Also really looking forward to getting involved in the Debt Advice Service (DAS) and once the head advisor is back I will start getting training and learning how it all works. Can't wait to experience this new side to social care that I have never experienced before.
Overall, definitely hard work and definitely worth it. Absolutely loving it and all the people here. Someone has even pinned up the sleeves of my tunic to take it up for Saturday. What wonderful people.
Tuesday 8 October 2013
Settling In
Wow, Essential just keeps getting better. We are starting to settle in now and getting to know everyone and they are getting to know us so we are getting comfortable and able to have a laugh. I also found out who my mentor is going to be so it will be good getting to know them and them getting to know me.
Also getting to know my way around Bedford which is quite nice as the hall is quite close to town so can just pop in if I ever want to. But now the real work begins. I am going to be giving our assignments a lot more time to complete and pass that side just so it is done. Our first one is all about child protection which is, more than anything, just common sense and just an essay based on how we would react to a certain situation. I think sometimes I am going to be enjoying it and part of me will be thinking just to get it done but we shall see.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks again to everyone at home for their prayers and support but also everyone in Bedford. I really feel like it is becoming a home away form home and that I am being taken in as part of a large family and being looked after.
Had an especially amazing time last night at man's cell group where we had some great discussions with great fellowship. Definitely looking forward to getting to know people better, getting known better, and deepening in my faith.
Also getting to know my way around Bedford which is quite nice as the hall is quite close to town so can just pop in if I ever want to. But now the real work begins. I am going to be giving our assignments a lot more time to complete and pass that side just so it is done. Our first one is all about child protection which is, more than anything, just common sense and just an essay based on how we would react to a certain situation. I think sometimes I am going to be enjoying it and part of me will be thinking just to get it done but we shall see.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks again to everyone at home for their prayers and support but also everyone in Bedford. I really feel like it is becoming a home away form home and that I am being taken in as part of a large family and being looked after.
Had an especially amazing time last night at man's cell group where we had some great discussions with great fellowship. Definitely looking forward to getting to know people better, getting known better, and deepening in my faith.
Tuesday 1 October 2013
First week at Bedford
Wow what an amazing week. At the moment we are just getting to know the activities and the people at Bedford and I am having a great time. Spent a lot of time at various clubs and lunches getting to know the people of the corps and the regulars that come in. Overall there is as great set of people that give all they can and put in so much time it has really blown me away. The corps is extra busy during the week and I am definitely looking forward to finding out about the Debt Advice Service that is run by the Corps. Had a great Sunday yesterday and everyone is extra friendly and had a great time at lunch with a lovely lady who offered to wash my white shirt each week. Like I said people trying to do all they can to help. Wow.
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