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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Training in the William Booth College

Having a great time on Essential; it is great getting to know everyone and over time we are getting closer and closer together. So last week we were at the William Booth Training College which was quite a good experience doing loads of different things which gave us a new way to see God in the world around us wherever we are. I have been really challenged when looking at what amazing work people are doing for the marginalised and how great communities are sprouting up when all others thought that it was impossible.

I guess it is just a reminder to us that we have to go and find where God is at work and not try and do it on our own strength because if we work with God's strength we can accomplish anything and knowing that God has gone before us we can be comforted in knowing that he will always look after us.

I have really enjoyed the chance to really chat about discipleship and mission/evangelism and what it means to practically get involved with these and we learnt or re-learnt, which is just as important, that it is an ongoing journey which is never completed. There were a couple of things throughout the week which I didn't really get much from apart from seeing other people being changed and challenged by them and I know that where I like the classroom style learning others really don't. Just goes to show that everyone likes different things and we are all different. Over the last week I have learnt that praying for vision for my life's plan isn't always the answer because God will show me that when it he and I am ready; so this week I have been praying for courage. Courage so that when God reveals his plan in my life that I follow it and don't think that it is impossible because with God in my life I can do anything. Also this week I have still been following my yearly reading plan on the app on my phone which has been really beneficial. At the moment it is each day a bit from the Old Testament (Genesis at the moment), a Psalm or 2 and a bit from the New Testament (Gospels at the moment). It is really interesting having almost 3 completely different styles and praising one amazing God and refreshing my mind on some of the stories that I haven't read for a while.

This week I have achieved so much but overall I think not only have I been better at approaching things with an open mind but also after approaching these things being able to form an opinion on it instead of relying on the opinions of others. Some of you may be saying I did that too much all ready but I think I am doing it in a better way and learning to get these opinions across in a loving way. I think this is just one of the things that really shows a maturity forming in me which I am sure will continue to grow over the next year.

So really looking forward to the next week. The rest of this week I will be in Leeds learning about a variety of different things and then I am off home for the weekend. After this I am off to Bedford to start my journey and the hard work I will be doing there. What an exciting time!

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